Thursday, November 21, 2013

Personal and Professional Learning Networks (PLN)

Professional Development doesn't take place exclusively in conferences. Creating your personal and professional learning network (PLN) will provide you with information and ideas for your class. I've built mine to learn what constitutes best practices in the classroom for both traditional, blended, and online teaching and learning. My network also provides me with ample information technology news and perspectives.

There are several webinar and video sites as well as blogs, forums, and online groups. I use these resources every day for focused professional and personal purposes. Having my network is only one part of the process. I share this concept with my students as well. I've created and used several activities that help the students start building their PLN. This ties directly into the concept of expanding digital literacy.

We need to teach by example and provide the students with this skill-set. Building a PLN is part of life-long learning. Many of the concepts and issues that we cover in class will impact the students well after the semester.

Here are a few ideas to get your PLN started.

First, create a Google and Gmail account. This Blog is written on Blogger which is part of the Google tool suite.  There are several collaborative tools available for your use.

Second, find websites to inform you.

Most of these websites will have a way for you to get information delivered to you. Explore these sites and discover what others are doing in education. These websites will provide you with a great place to start this PLN process.

Here is a blog that shares 10 simple ideas to build your PLN

Next Post: Social Media, how to tie it into your PLN

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